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TinyPortal for Elkarte Started by tino · · Read 60384 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

TinyPortal for Elkarte

Hi All,

After quite some time I have eventually got TinyPortal to a stage where I can start to port it across to Elkarte relatively easily. It is available here; although I have currently tagged it as 1.0.0 please assume it is in Alpha stages and needs a lot of testing.

I have removed the Shoutbox, Menu and Downloads from it currently and will add them back in when I have got the existing code ported across in a nicer manor than I have currently. There isn't a controller as such it just hooks into the existing logic used for SMF which is what I will focus on. Most of the SQL was moved to the TinyPortal namespace before I started this in TinyPortal 2.0.0 and that's where eventually all the SQL will reside with the controller and views calling the appropriate functions.

The CSS styling on the blocks is one thing which I know doesn't work correctly and if I'm honest is not my forté. So if anyone can help with that I would appreciate it.

The latest tagged release download is here;

Last Edit: January 06, 2021, 07:36:52 pm by tino

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #1

Congratulations on getting that to work, it must have been a labor of love !!!

TP is a very cool portal I had wanted to port as well but the way it was written at the time required a level of dedication that I could not supply, you really had to "live" with that code to effectively make changes.

I've downloaded it and when I'm done playing with 1.1.7 I'm going to give it a run :D

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #2

Great news. Congratulations!

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #3

Indeed congratz!
I think I tried once, but gave up halfway, I had more confidence (not that much for the matter) with SP.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #4


I have moved things around a lot since my first post. So I would get the latest version from GitHub when you do try it as it's probably not going to be the same as yesterday let alone a week ago.  O:-)

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #5

I have to admit - the way TP coding was before Brad(Ichbin) and later tino, took over, was..."dedicated". :D I guess I wanted to put so much functionality in and really having less-than-ideal knowledge of finer PHP coding - I just used what I knew and duplicated. And duplicated again, possibly tweaked lol.So no wonder the code had to be "lived" to change it.

Seriously though, I think its great TinyPortal lives on, both as SMF and now also Elkarte mod. 

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #6

Quote from: Bloc – I have to admit - the way TP coding was before Brad(Ichbin) and later tino, took over, was..."dedicated". :D I guess I wanted to put so much functionality in and really having less-than-ideal knowledge of finer PHP coding - I just used what I knew and duplicated. And duplicated again, possibly tweaked lol.So no wonder the code had to be "lived" to change it.

Seriously though, I think its great TinyPortal lives on, both as SMF and now also Elkarte mod. 

Just a note that you're in good company Bloc.  God created the platypus first,...


.a beaked, web-footed hairy mammal that lays eggs (arguably putting too much functionality in, also) and then began to refine things from there..

And likewise, if you live with one long enough you find the platypus is kinda cool..

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #7

I just tested this add-on on Elkarte 1.1.7 and after I click on "Promote to frontpage" I get an error:
Code: [Select]
    Tipo di errore: Generale
    Warning: require_once(/sources/subs/Exception/Controller/TinyPortal/ElkException.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
    File: /sources/Autoloader.class.php
    Line: 223
sorry for my bad english

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #8

Quote from: radu81 – I just tested this add-on on Elkarte 1.1.7 and after I click on "Promote to frontpage" I get an error:
Code: [Select]
    Tipo di errore: Generale
    Warning: require_once(/sources/subs/Exception/Controller/TinyPortal/ElkException.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
    File: /sources/Autoloader.class.php
    Line: 223

Thanks, looks like I need to escape the exception class. I’ll fix that in RC3, although that’s hiding another error.


Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #9

Found another one, when you click to "show latest comments" index.php?action=tparticle;sa=showcomments
Code: [Select]
    Tipo di errore: Database
    Errore del Database: Unknown column 'var.type' in 'where clause'
    File: /TinyPortal/Model/Database.php
    Line: 43
sorry for my bad english

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #10

Quote from: radu81 – Found another one, when you click to "show latest comments" index.php?action=tparticle;sa=showcomments
Code: [Select]
    Tipo di errore: Database
    Errore del Database: Unknown column 'var.type' in 'where clause'
    File: /TinyPortal/Model/Database.php
    Line: 43

Thanks, I have fixed the first one.

It's in this commit, which is mixed with other changes I'm afraid.

The bit you need is

How do you get to the showcomments link? I never actually found out where that was defined.


That was fixed on the main TinyPortal in this commit, I either need to port it across or if it's not actually referenced remove it. (As I don't know where it's referenced I'm relying on you for that one I am afraid)

Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 08:00:41 am by tino

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #11

Quote from: radu81 – Found another one, when you click to "show latest comments" index.php?action=tparticle;sa=showcomments
Code: [Select]
    Tipo di errore: Database
    Errore del Database: Unknown column 'var.type' in 'where clause'
    File: /TinyPortal/Model/Database.php
    Line: 43

That's also fixed in this PR and will be part of the RC3 release.

Thanks for the feedback and testing.

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #12

Killed a little time in home office.  :D

German formal language pack for TinyPortal for ElkArte V1.0.0 RC3. Installable via package manager.
Last Edit: November 21, 2021, 05:50:25 pm by Mc Fly
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM

Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #13

I just downloaded and installed TinyPortal from github.
I get an error :

Exception: Call to undefined method TinyPortal\Model\Admin::updateSettingData();area=tpsettings;sa=updatesettings
Fichier: /home/augras/public_html/
Ligne: 148

It's in TinyPoratl setting, Select non responsive themes, pickElkArte Default Theme and click Save.


Re: TinyPortal for Elkarte

Reply #14

That function should be updateSettings, I’ll get that changed when I can.