Re: how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"?
Reply #1 – August 02, 2022, 06:52:38 pm
There is an option for that, go to Admin > Configuration > Features and Settings > General > and enable the second last option: Disable the text of posts into notification (or something similar, I use italian language on my forum) index.php?action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=basic
Re: how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"?
Reply #2 – August 02, 2022, 08:01:32 pm
Also be sure to enable full text of post in YOUR profile .... My Account -> Modify Profile -> Notifications ..... Be sure When sending email notifications, send the full text of the post in the email is checked and saved.
Re: how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"?
Reply #4 – August 03, 2022, 03:31:01 am
Yesterday I set the "Notifications email address" in the mailllist settings to a noreply@....-address. Indeed, every notification shows up that address. But in the context of reply-by-email that makes no sense. If it is THIS notification (including the posting text) is subject to the reply-by-email functionality, this advice (from the wiki) makes no sense...
Re: how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"?
Reply #5 – August 03, 2022, 08:06:04 am
Many confusing terms ... the descriptions help some. Anyway Notifications email address can be considered the email for system generated messages, forgot password, register, etc .... messages that you can not reply to. The site email address is what is used for posts and pm's
Re: how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"?
Reply #10 – August 04, 2022, 01:56:44 pm
This is an email reply to the same message (the earlier one I followed the link in the message and posted directly to the Forum)-Steeley Did you exchange, a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage? [~ Pink Floyd: "Wish You Were Here"] --
Re: how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"?
Reply #11 – August 04, 2022, 04:01:52 pm
Test reply by email... failed. However, when it would work well, I'd not understand it, because the key misses the numeric part behind the -m: [7fe04918f3a5beb5018a513adc3e68d8-m] BTW: in parallel I'm fiddling with my own 1.1.8 Elkarte test forum, and got reply by email doing its job as awaited over some time - with intermediate idle times. For any reason, the key was not generated. Spuds is going to look at what's wrong (what I got functioning only by a workaround). In this respect I'm underway in a cage, yes. Simply because I consider a quite full maillist functionality as very important as an alternative to a classic mailing list. In the latter, you're faced with reverse history in successive emails sent around as replies. The forum would keep each reply in natural time order, while maintaining the opportunity to reply by email instead of the need to login to a forum... There are only a few forum solutions out there that allow hybrid operating. I mention github (proprietary) and discourse (complexity of install and handling).
Re: how to "Subscribe to boards and get the full text of the posts on that board"?
Reply #12 – August 04, 2022, 07:28:57 pm
The email reply I sent didn't post originally, rjm, until Spuds fixed a multipart parsing issue on EA's end. Once he resolved that and "resubmitted" it , the message shown as Reply #10 posted. In this case it wasn't a key issue at all. My own forum was set up in EA to replace a classic distribution list, and does the job nicely - it has a fairly large number of boards so discussions thread "on topic" and my members can just turn off monitoring boards with subjects they aren't interested in. And almost all of the topics can be participated in (starting new discussion topics or participating in existing ones), via email, not just on-line. However, my forum is running v1.1.6, if there have been any changes in the 1.1.8 update that might affect the message key, I'm not aware of them, the key system looks like it's working in 2.0 also. I'll leave you and spuds to work through whatever is going on. However, he might be onto something with your configuration item "Allow Posting To The Forum By Email" not enabled. I interpret that as a master "Email Support" On/Off selection. (PM's are Private Messages, not forum posts) If you don't want members posting NEW topics via email (and therefore only enabling email for replies), you can do that easily by simply not creating addresses for the board(s) you don't want new topics sent to, and leaving the "Allow the Starting Of A New Topic By Changing the Reply Subject" turned off (as you now have it). Good luck... I'm going back to lurk..
Re: how to \
Reply #14 – August 24, 2022, 10:59:27 am
I know there is code in there to get to the subject root In addition to RE there is FW / FWD / SUBJECT tags that get added. Its supposed to clean all that, but with the way things can get munged via email I can see it both missing or clobbering the line.