This is to document a "fix" to a quoting problem I discovered on my board.
The issue was trying to quote an emailed reply to a posted message - and the posted reply contained an "&" character that was not escaped (should be "&") and goofed up the xml...
The quote function would stall forever with a "LOADING" banner..
Spuds chased it down.. and the fix WAS to locate the Xml.template.php file in the theme folder and locate
function template_quotefast()
global $context;
echo '<', '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?', '>
<quote>', cleanXml($context['quote']['xml']), '</quote>
..and replace the "quote" line with:
<quote><![CDATA[', cleanXml($context['quote']['xml']), ']]></quote>
That should take care of any "non-escaped" characters that are posted to your forum from emails that cause subsequent quoting of that post to fail
I suspect Spuds will fold this into later releases..
EDIT: He did, and created some different issues.. so see the next message post in this thread