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Learning Java Started by emanuele · · Read 10121 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Learning Java

I finally started! :D

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm liking it! 8)
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Re: Learning Java

Reply #1

You need to fess up and admit you are using a IDE  :P

Re: Learning Java

Reply #2

 emanuele admits he is using netbeans... :-[
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Re: Learning Java

Reply #3

Is netbeans any good? I hear good things about IntelliJ IDEA :
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Learning Java

Reply #4

I find it nice, but is the first time I use it and the few previous times I used and IDE, it was visual studio, so I can't say for sure what's best.
Also I know almost nothing about Java, so....the first that works is the best. :P

When I'll be able to do something I'll probably try some other IDE, though. And the one you linked seems pretty nice (even though I don't like dark themes. :P)
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Re: Learning Java

Reply #5

Netbeans is great, but it's abysmal slow on scanning files. Annoyed me several times in the past.
I was able to solve that problem now  by replacing the harddrive with an SSD  :D
Thorsten "TE" Eurich


Re: Learning Java

Reply #6


 emanuele is tempted to replace the HD of this laptop with an SSD... but they look still too expensive.
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Re: Learning Java

Reply #7

Java is not a bad language. Our university is almost exclusively java when it comes to webapps. We've finally jumped into the 20th century and started to use maven. What a life saver when it comes to dependencies. Our department uses netbeans too. But with maven handling all the dependencies people are starting to branch out a little and test the waters with eclipes and intelliJ.
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