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Sticky a topic to all boards Started by Burke_Knight · · Read 15727 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Sticky a topic to all boards

On one of my sites, I have an important topic that really needs to be seen in every board.
Is there a way to sticky a topic into every board?

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #1


A topic exists only one time, don't know, if copys are possible, one for each board.

If it is not a lot of text in this sticky topic, i maybe would do something simulaire with a portal block on top,
which would be to see on each board.

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #2

Some forums allow announcements to be shown above the sticky topics, in all boards.
This is why was asking, because this would be a nice feature for ElkArte.

The post is pretty long, and takes up some space when in a portal block.

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #3

Quote from: Burke_Knight – Some forums allow announcements to be shown above the sticky topics, in all boards.
This is why was asking, because this would be a nice feature for ElkArte.

The post is pretty long, and takes up some space when in a portal block.

How about a NEWS banner, something like: "MUST READ" with an html link to the topic.

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #4

That could work, if they'd bother to read it.
Which, also could be the issue with a sticky topic, as well.

Long or not, I think the post in block may be best for this case, although I'd still like to see the ability to sticky certain topics in all boards, as that could be very useful for site rules or other very important info that may be way too big for blocks.

Could this be moved to feature requests @Spuds?

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #5

Quote from: Burke_Knight – That could work, if they'd bother to read it.
Which, also could be the issue with a sticky topic, as well.

Long or not, I think the post in block may be best for this case, although I'd still like to see the ability to sticky certain topics in all boards, as that could be very useful for site rules or other very important info that may be way too big for blocks.

Could this be moved to feature requests @Spuds?

Seeing the same topic in every board could also be annoying or disorienting.   But, worth consideration ..

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #6

Perhaps a custom coded something with a behavior similar to the privacy policy option? That is, users have to check off they read the thing?

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #7

Not really good for the uses I have for this
The ability to have important topics stickied in all boards come in handy for rules, special info, etc.

Making where people would have to read several things and check off that they did, could result in people saying the heck with it and leaving the site.

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #8

Quote from: Steeley – How about a NEWS banner, something like: "MUST READ" with an html link to the topic.
I was going to suggest the same thing.

sorry for my bad english

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #9

Quote from: Burke_Knight – Not really good for the uses I have for this
The ability to have important topics stickied in all boards come in handy for rules, special info, etc.

Making where people would have to read several things and check off that they did, could result in people saying the heck with it and leaving the site.
Then we have a hilarious Engrish language pothole present, because.....

Quote from: Burke_Knight – I have an important topic that really needs to be seen in every board.
....was taken by yours truly as *must be read*. You apparently meant it *must be present*. :joy:

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #10

The one issue I have about portal block, is the post is a bit long, making a big scrolling amount to the post field.
If just make a link, which could be done, then it's more likely to be ignored.
Also, sticky topics also tend to be ignored as well, but that's life....  :laugh:

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #11

Most People wont follow such a link - or read any long text, they are not really interested in. Most will stop reading after the first two sentences.

Members are not interested at all in rules or in any other explainations like "please notice this or that". :tongue: Maybe 3 % of all members are reading, understanding, accepting and trying to do things in a way they should.

If it is possible to show the most important sentences or points of this topic in a very short text (additional a link to this very long original topic) - I would prefer that in every board. Something small and short, which can be noticed by one quick look at it.

Nothing which would need a click on it, will be noticed by a lot of members. So i would use a "news banner" or a portal block in each board. I think, such a solution can be less ignored by people.


Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #12

Quote from: Ruth – So i would use a "news banner" or a portal block in each board. I think, such a solution can be less ignored by people.

What I have to display is a bit long for that.
I have it in a block now, and it really does not look that well.
That's why need it as a topic available in all boards.
Well, not all, but several.

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #13

Kinda tough to make this one as it involves overriding the default board permission. In my mind to achieve this, one must be able to create some sort of a super board that have this kind of sticky topics which can later be stickied on any other board. I am not sure / aware if there is any other default settings / features that can be modified to achieve this.

Re: Sticky a topic to all boards

Reply #14

Maybe this could be useful
I did not tested or used these mods, you could ask @vbgamer45 if he has any intention to port his mod to elkarte, or ask some custom work the author of the first mod.
sorry for my bad english