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Warning: Undefined array key "href" Started by radu81 · · Read 526 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Warning: Undefined array key "href"

I do get a lot of these warnings in /sources/subs/Metadata.integrate.php Line 238:

Code: [Select]
230: 	$smd = array(
231: '@context' => '',
232: '@type' => 'DiscussionForumPosting',
233: '@id' => $this->data['href'],
234: 'headline' => $this->getPageTitle(),
235: 'author' => array(
236: '@type' => 'Person',
237: 'name' => $this->data['member']['name'],
238: 'url' => $this->data['member']['href']
239: ),

I am using PHP 8.1
sorry for my bad english