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Text view Started by Cate · · Read 14643 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Text view

Our forum was set up in August 2024. Many of us see text view only and it can switch backwards & forwards between "normal" or HTML or text. On my iphone if I use Safari it's always HTML but on other browsers it's often text only. On my laptop, no matter what browser I use I mostly get text view. I have updated all of my browsers. Many other users get the same thing. Those who only use Apple products don't get the text view.
Is there a simple fix, preferably one that someone like me, who is self-taught on computers, will understand please?
Edit: This link may show what I often see-
Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 10:06:19 pm by Cate

Re: Text view

Reply #1

This sounds like a configuration issue with your server... pretty sure Elkarte serves up generic HTML via PHP, to your host's web-server (Apache, Centora, Vesta, whatever.. etc.), to serve to the internet.

First, check with your hosting service and see what they think. Also gather server configuration info (web software,, database, php versions, yadda yadda) in case we need to look at EA configuration with your platform.

Meanwhile, can you post a screenshot of "text view" (preferably from your desktop, not smartphone) - I think I know what you are seeing, but before I delve further, I'd like to be sure so I don't send you down a rabbit hole..

Edit: Oh, and what version of EA are you running?
Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 10:16:08 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Text view

Reply #3

OK, I snatched the screenshot, and it is as I suspected..


That is a mismatch between the webserver and the client. And since it's happening with lots of different clients, it's server specific..
What is the cause in most cases is that the pertinent style sheet "prettyfile".css  ( :zany_face: whatever the name is) is not properly loading.

Now, the fact that "apple users" don't have the problem tells me that either apple browsers aren't picky, or possibly you're on a mac server.. perhaps running macOS 12 Monterey or macOS 13 Ventura and it's not fully supporting php ?(depreciated in macOS 12 Monterey). Or it could be anything else  and probably is. :unamused: 

At this point I need your server info from you. You may need to check with your host for that information, and while chatting, ask for a clue why the style sheet(s) might be getting weirded..
(I also noted that at @14:00 utc (zulu time) I couldn't reach the domain URL shown in the link - either the domain is off line or there's some issue with the url...)

And for the record, I'm also dancing on the edge of my own knowledge cliff here.. so I'll try not to grab your hand and pull you off into oblivion..

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Text view

Reply #4

Quote from: Cate – I am not an admin & am totally new to this as you can probably see

I think the info you need wont be coming easily.
The OP really needs to get the site admin to come here and seek help, not just a user that can't get the info nor do what needs to be done.

Re: Text view

Reply #5

Thanks Steeley. I have passed on the link to this thread to our host who set up our forum as a big favour when I was locked out of our old one & unable to contact them to get back in (even though I was a mod).
I'm not on a Mac btw.


Re: Text view

Reply #6

try a CTRL+F5, seems to work fine now
sorry for my bad english

Re: Text view

Reply #7

Quote from: Burke Knight –
Quote from: Cate – I am not an admin & am totally new to this as you can probably see

I think the info you need wont be coming easily.
The OP really needs to get the site admin to come here and seek help, not just a user that can't get the info nor do what needs to be done.

I interpreted that reference to "Admin" as a "skill set", not a role. We all start somewhere.. and learning to swim in the deep end of the pond is not unusual. I convinced myself I couldn't fly no matter how hard I flapped my arms,  by jumping off the garage roof. That's how I also discovered I wasn't a programmer.

Anyway, I assume he IS the FORUM admin, and is going to have to work with his host ("Site admin, etc.) one way or another, else he's going to either die, or learn to swim or fly the painful way. :smirk:

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Text view

Reply #8

@Cate sent the following server information to me in a PM..

Version Information:
This version: ElkArte 1.1.9
Current version: 1.1.9
GD version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
Imagick version: ImageMagick 6.9.10-68 Q16 x86_64 2024-04-16 <>
MySQL version: 5.7.23-23
Alternative PHP Cache: 5.1.22
Zend OPcache: 8.2.18
PHP: 8.2.18 (litespeed)
Server version: Apache
Version Information: Linux 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64

If Cate is still having issues with this, the above information may provide a clue

My first troubleshooting suggestion would be to see if the PHP version can be rolled back to 7.x and see if things then play nice..


// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Text view

Reply #9

Thanks, Steeley. I'll pass this conversation on.