Re: Unify themes and mods behaviour?
Reply #2 –
Pre-question: will addons (is that the name of mods for D?) be allowed to edit files as in SMF or will they just use hooks and similar things?
Re: Unify themes and mods behaviour?
Reply #13 –
Well. To implement functionality, addons use hooks. (lets say it's usual)
To implement functionality, why would themes break that (in addition to implementing functionality itself, which isn't 'display existing functionality any way you freaking please').
Mods could be written without hooks, too. (and some will). We're talking about trying to make the core approach give people tools to do the job differently. What they do with the tools is up to them in the end, but that's not really the point.
But I agree that "if it's too complicated then I won't do it", this is a fair point. Lets make it less complicated (if it is).
What is currently complicated about hooks? (I has a couple beefs tbh).
What is complicated about setting variables to $context?1
For the record, this is the recommended standard for core: to implement functionality separately from presentation of the functionality. (where 'recommended' = 'required').
This is the recommended standard for addons: to implement functionality separately from presentation of the functionality.
(where 'recommended' = 'recommended').
In the context of this discussion, I will propose the following statement: themes are about presentation of existing functionality, but if they implement new functionality, then they should do it separately (at file/code design/implementation level) from the presentation of the functionality.
1 we could also provide a gateway function if it makes any sense... it could also help the core track what the extension [addon/theme] are adding... probably not a good idea though