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Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2? Started by Jorin · · Read 32811 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #15

@Jorin the Importer needs a fully working SMF (including the Settings.php and several folders for importing Smileys, attachments and such stuff).
Either you create a full backup (files and database) and use repair_settings.php to fix the pathes or you just point the Importer to the "Live" Forum and let it grab the Content. You can install Elk in another database, but the MySQL User / Password must be the same for both databases.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #16

Thanks a lot. I prefer variation one.

Do you want me to write down my thoughts about the migration, how it works and how the result looks like? Or is it not necessary 'cause you did this often enough by yourself?

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #17

yep, feel free to write down your thoughts.. I'm sure I'll get some inspiration for improvements or you'll find bug(s) in the importer files.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich


Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #18

Btw, where did you get your avatar from? Looks nice.

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #20

Sorry for my English

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #21

I think that if SMF wants to get Elkarte dropouts, they can write their own import script for it... ;)

However, I think OpenImporter should (1) add Elk and Wedge as a source[1], for instance if you want to import between these or even between identical forums, (2) fix Wedge support :P (I don't think there are any things that I fixed in the Wedge/importer repo that can't be backported into OpenImporter.)
Edit: just noticed that Wedge is supported as source, so... Add Elk!

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #22

Help me out please. I only find 1.0 Beta 1, but where can I (if I can) download Beta 2?

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #23

Release is in work, meanwhile you can take the master branch zip (will probably be the same)
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #24

No luck with installing ElkArte Beta1:

Quotemagic_quotes_gpc=on was detected: your host is using an unsecure PHP configuration, deprecated and removed in current versions. Please upgrade PHP.

I tried it with the following .htaccess file:

Code: [Select]

...but this leads to an internal server error. My PHP server version is 5.3.18. Any chance to get ElkArte to work?

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #26

Aaaaah!  :o  :-[ 

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #27

Quote from: Inter – SMF 2.0.xx -> Elkarte -> SMF 2.0.xx

the reverse converter is?
Not that I know of... maybe the SMF Folks is working on one, but that's  definitely not my business ;)
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #28

Quote from: TE – yep, there is ..
you'd need the files Import.php, Import_en.xml and smf2_importer.xml.
Upload these files to your ElkArte Installation, then point to Import.php with your browser and follow the instructions.

Done, and it leads me to the GitHub page with import.php opened in an editor. What do I have to do now?  :o

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #29

There's a "download zip" button on the right sidebar .. download that file, extract the ZIP and copy import.php, import_en.xml and smf2_import.xml to the main ElkArte folder.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich