Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?
Reply #30 –
No, there isn't. See screenshot.
I have the three import files already, they are in my ElkArte folder on my webspace. But when I open it leads to GitHub.
Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?
Reply #36 –
One of the things I proposed somewhere is, starting from 1.1, to "integrate" OpenImporter directly into the install, so that the installer will propose something like "do you want to import from an existing forum?" Yes/No etc.
Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?
Reply #39 –
1st from where did you download the importer?
Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?
Reply #44 –
You don't have to use the backup file, the backup is recommended only for security reasons. As far as I know the importer does not write or change anything into your smf install
In path to destination you have to enter the path of your elkarte forum. The password requested if for your smf database
Don't know if it's the best solution but I usually have this structure
path to elkarte: membri/aee/elkarte
path to smf membri/aee/smf
path to openimporter: membri/aee/importer