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Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2? Started by Jorin · · Read 31350 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #30

No, there isn't. See screenshot.

I have the three import files already, they are in my ElkArte folder on my webspace. But when I open it leads to GitHub.

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #31

just one step up, you're already watching a file inside the structure:
Thorsten "TE" Eurich


Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #32

Ah, great! Thanks! Works now!

But guys, you have to work on this stuff. Maybe it's not a bad idea to write done some instructions for people like me who don't know anything about OpenImporter or GitHub.  ;)

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #33

Quote from: Jorin – Ah, great! Thanks! Works now!
But guys, you have to work on this stuff. Maybe it's not a bad idea to write done some instructions for people like me who don't know anything about OpenImporter or GitHub.  ;)
Yes, definitely.. I'll focus a bit more on the Importer and the related Docs once ElkArte B2 is out..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #34

By the way: import is finished without errors!  :)

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #35

Quote from: Jorin – By the way: import is finished without errors!  :)
woooot ! Happy testing ..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #36

One of the things I proposed somewhere[1] is, starting from 1.1, to "integrate" OpenImporter directly into the install, so that the installer will propose something like "do you want to import from an existing forum?" Yes/No etc.
I'm loosing track of where I propose and where I do (not do) things lol
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Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #37

Quote from: emanuele – One of the things I proposed somewhere[1] is, starting from 1.1, to "integrate" OpenImporter directly into the install, so that the installer will propose something like "do you want to import from an existing forum?" Yes/No etc.
yep, a unified install / import / upgrade script.. that would be wonderful :)
I'm loosing track of where I propose and where I do (not do) things lol
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #38

I tried to do the best that I can by myself, in order not to trouble you all too much, but now I am completely lost. :)

I am trying to convert SMF 2.0.10 to Elkarte 1.0.5: I donwloaded the zip file of OpenImporter and then I extracted the files: Import.php, Import_en.xml and smf2_importer.xml.

Then I uploaded these files into Elkarte, but I think in the wrong way. As you can see from the screenshot these files are now on Elkarte, but when I click on import.php i receive a message of error.

I really would like to switch to Elkarte but unfortunately I am not an IT technician. :(

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #39

1st from where did you download the importer?
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Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #40

Oooooppsss,   :-*

I downlodaded the zip file from here:

....after your question I have the feeling I was wrong. :(


Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #42

For SMF both should work (sorry, but I had some problems in this period and the importer is the second priority right now...).
Anyway, in both cases, you don't have to "pick" files, just unzip and upload everything you get. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #43

Thanks to your help I did a step ahead. :) 

Now I see the OpenImporter page.

I have a fresh installation of Elkarte 1.0.5.

I know that my questions could appear stupid to your eyes, but I wanted to improve my knowledge in Forums starting from 0, so please be patient. ;D

I did a backup of .sql file of my forum, and the question is: in which folder of elkarte I have to put this file? I do the transfer through FTP.

I think then I will have to put the address to "path so SMF 2", am I correct?

Re: Importer for SMF and ElkArte Beta2?

Reply #44

You don't have to use the backup file, the backup is recommended only for security reasons. As far as I know the importer does not write or change anything into your smf install

In path to destination you have to enter the path of your elkarte forum. The password requested if for your smf database

Don't know if it's the best solution but I usually have this structure
path to elkarte: membri/aee/elkarte
path to smf membri/aee/smf
path to openimporter: membri/aee/importer
sorry for my bad english